Caitlyn Daniel graduated from Chattooga HIgh last year (amid COVID) and began working with our firm part-time in June. This summer as a member of the Chattooga High FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) she competed in the National Leadership Conference. Due to COVID, the competition was done remotely and shot a video about her project titled, “Fostering the Future.” Caitlyn worked with community groups in the county to work on implementing Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) training for all foster parents and foster children in OUR REGION! For her efforts, Caitlyn placed GOLD!
Caity is doing a great job for us here and we are so proud to have her here. She started college at Georgia Highlands this month and we know she will be successful there and at anything she puts her mind to.
And, CONGRATULATIONS to all the students who competed in the competition from Chattooga this summer! We have a lot of good leaders emerging!