Chief Justice Melton extended the Judicial Emergency we have been operating under until June 13, 2020. What this means, and has meant, is that no non-essential cases are to be heard and no jury trials. For most of our clients, their cases are very essential to them, but do not meet the guidelines set by the Chief Justice’s order. During this time, deadlines have essentially been stayed and cases have gone into limbo. We have done our best to work with clients to handle issues that come up and deal with the emergencies. We will continue to do so.
WE ARE SEEING CLIENTS on an as needed and staggered basis. We encourage existing clients to email us or call us for advice. Appointments are being staggered so that we don’t have too many people in the office at the same time. Please feel free to wear your masks and gloves. We are sanitizing after each client’s visit and each morning and evening in general. We are also open to Zoom meetings and WebEx meetings with clients and we will be preparing some clients for mediation, depositions, and some hearings via these video formats in the future. We don’t think that the utilization of these video formats will go away and will be an enhanced method for doing legal business going forward.
PLEASE BE PATIENT as we move forward. As you can imagine there is going to be quite a bit of backlog with cases in our system when the courts do open for all business again. And, we do anticipate that the getting back to business will be slow. There is an anticipation that hearings will be scheduled for specific start and end times and time limits on hearings will have to be adhered to. What will happen going forward is somewhat of a mystery as we have not done this before but, we assure you, you will have your matter heard in earnest when the time comes.
THANK YOU for your trust in our firm with your legal matter and we pledge attention to your matter no matter what comes our way! Questions? Concerns? Please contact us. Stay safe and healthy.